mardi, mai 02, 2006

fruit salad

I remember first moving to France in 2001 and some of the weird expressions that caught my attention... One of the funniest was j'ai la pêche (which litterally means I have the peach). It means that you're en forme - in a good mood or good spirit.

I didn't know that this expression expanded out into different fruits and veggies!!!

My horizons have been broadened!

I learned today - from Mystery Guest - that you can say j'ai la grosse patate (I have the big potato!) which means the same thing.

Later I mentioned to Virginie that I had learned another expression when she said that I should add another to the list!! j'ai la banane (I have the banana!) which is yet again the same thing!

Any other fruity expressions that I should know about??

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Litterally, on the one hand, avoir la patate, la peche, la banane, means to be to be on top form !
There's another expression : avoir la gouache ; that also means to be on top form!

On the other hand, there is
avoir le melon, means that you're big-headed.
I can't think of something else right now, but I'll keep you posted if anything comes up ;)

leon's life a dit…

Not fruity but a fishy one.....

If I guy calls a girl a "Thon" it not a compliment !

Anonyme a dit…

Yes, another one. When you want to say that something's for you (like when you see a police car behind you and you know they are here for you..) you can use the very colloquial expression : c'est pour ma pomme - it's for me !

deedee a dit…

Une bonne poire... a good pear, this is a person considered a dope, a pushover, an easy target...

MilkJam a dit…

wow i never thought i'd get more answers! good ones guys! :)
thanks for broadening my colorful (and tasty!) expressions! ;) hehe