mercredi, septembre 21, 2005

smoke signals

So I thought I'd be a good houseguest by making breakfast. Frozen bagels that you pop into the microwave oven and presto-chango breakfast! So I asked how long the bagels go in there for, 10 minutes. So I stick those little suckers in there and put it on for 10 min...

Then it happened... I thought I smelled a bit of smoke but waved it off thinking they were just cooking... then the smoke alarm went off...

Running towards the kitchen I open the door and was hit with a wall of yellow-bagel-scented smoke. Spent the next 30 minutes or so airing out the smoke, watching billows of it drift down the street, and checking the oven for damage. Fortunetly there were no flames, just massive amounts of that yellow smoke, and 2 black-hockey-puck bagels sitting there.

My hair still reaks of the stuff, oh well, the house didn't burn down and we are off to the grocery store to buy some oven cleaner. Opps my bad.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

And, you made me believe that you were a good cook !!!

MilkJam a dit…


thats all i have to say