dimanche, juillet 10, 2011

an egg

I know what you're thinking, it's an egg - a boring white egg.
Actually no, it's an egg from our neighbor's chickens, free range happy chickens. What happened was on Wednesday I made a big Red Velvet cake.
Yup right?? You betcha!!! It was a friend's birthday and he would have spent it commuting and not celebrating so we invited him over for dinner and to celebrate his birthday. Birthdays in my book are special, they are celebrations that can last for a good week if need be. So I made a BIG special cake - for three of us... I don't know if you can tell but that is one big mofo cake! The friend took about half of it to work the next day to pawn it off on colleagues and I divided up the rest and went over to the neighbor's. 
That's always the tricky thing when you "stop by" the neighbor's, you are always invited for a coffee and it can take quite some time to actually leave. I wanted to make it quick so Mystery Guest stayed at home ("I need to get back MG is waiting for me to eat") which worked pretty well. But my neighbor said since I couldn't stay would I like a couple of her eggs? 

Yup!! She gave me a dozen eggs!! That's not a couple but as she pointed out, a couple to eat soft boiled, a couple for a cake, a couple for a quiche and pretty soon no more eggs! I always like getting eggs from her, they have the yellowest yolks possible! I made pancakes with them and I swear it looked like I had added corn flour to the batter!

Whew! All that to say that the thing that really struck me yesterday is that the eggs are mostly white. 

White you say? Of course! 

In my America (to use a KylieMac expression) store bought eggs are always white and eggs from the farmer's market are more "rustic" and tend to be brown. In France I have looked high and low for white eggs to decorate for Easter (try decorating brown ones? yeah, the dye doesn't do much...!) and here I find them, fresh from the neighbor's chickens! 

In my mind that's all sorts of backwards. And the end to my long winded story... 

... about an egg.

6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

great post. Makes me wish I lived in the country too. You sound like you have great neighbours, i hope when we move to our new house that we find great people too. Oh, and Ju has seen your RV cake twice now and is looking at me with doe eyes in a 'can you make me one, purlease' kinda way. ha!

MilkJam a dit…

you should totally make a RV cake!! Ju will be very happy and hello - YUMOLA! :) If its just for you guys or a couple of people I would suggest just making 1 layer - unless you want the "oh my god it is an Astrix cake!" response from people. But according to the Jamie Oliver recipe the double layer feeds 24... LOL!
It's not a hard cake to make and the batter is so smooth and silky it really is sexy. :)

Carole a dit…

Hi, I'm afraid I could not find your email address hence this note - please can you contact me at carole@expatfocus.com regarding an Expat Focus Recommended Website Award for your site? Thank you.

Kind regards,


Anonyme a dit…

The cake looks great. I'll have to try your recipe.
Neighbors with organic eggs are worth keeping happy.

Brittany a dit…

Wow, that cake looks delicious! I was inspired by Karina's American Cookies this weekend, Joel suggested peanut butter cookies but I only had almond butter... but I found a tasty recipe for maple syrup and almond butter cookies. Yum!

Brown eggs are really common here too... I think it's just that white chickens make white eggs and red chickens make brown eggs. Does your neighbor have white chickens? Maybe red chickens are much more common in France?

MilkJam a dit…

Yea for cookie making!!! Almond butter cookes sound to DIE FOR! :) I might have to try those sometime... :)

I don't know what color her chickens are - she's got 2 coops (1 for eggs and one for... sunday lunch...) but I did read that the color of the chicken determines the color of the eggs (as opposed to diet etc).