mardi, mai 26, 2009

oh le code... and other news..

So those of you who see me on Facebook know that I alas did not pass the written exam for my driver's license.. I'm totally annoyed at myself, I just don't test well at all and I think I got myself into this huge stressed out state before the exam. With each question I kept thinking, oh maybe this is a trick question, and wrestled with my gut instinct. I think that's what killed me because there were only really 2 or 3 questions that I didn't honestly have any idea about the answer and the rest I just was so stressed out that I couldn't see straight. Gotta love it when you're called up in front of an auditorium full of people and hear the guy say inadmissible... On my paper it was printed out that I got 33/40 and you can't have more than 5 mistakes or you fail.

I'm off to resend my dossier to try to get another appointment but it is just so disappointing, I'm really disappointed with myself and now I'm going to probably have to wait another couple months which means just that much longer that I'm stuck without wheels... especially when the guy at the auto-école said I wouldn't need many lessons before passing the driving part.. big sigh..

But there is some good news, I miiiiight be able to get a ticket with the Normandy Chapter of Democrats Abroad to go see Obama speak for the D-Day celebration on June 6th!! I don't want to get my hopes up but I'd LOOOOOVE to be able to go!

I also wrapped up another morning at the collège where I'm teaching this week. I've got 3 groups (6th, 7th and 8th graders for 15 hours this week). Yesterday started off really well with a hyper (but friendly) group of 7th graders (5èmes) but then it all went downhill with 2 unbearable classes of 8th graders... they just could NOT stop talking for the whole hour, I'm not one to waste my breath so let's just say we didn't get much done (but what can you in 1 week of subbing?) This morning however went really well, I had an adorable class of 6 graders who were just the sweetest and then a reasonably nice group of 8th graders (the only nice group according to the other teachers...) so I've got those annoying kids again this afternoon but I'm almost halfway through the week, just Thursday and Friday left :-) I'll be sure to keep you updated on the whole experience!

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I am sorry about the code. Everything out here feels like a trick question to me... At least now you know what to expect so I am sure that the next time you will do fine. Somehow I managed to pass the first time for both the code and the conduite... I don't know if I have ever been so relieved...

Leah a dit…

Hey dudette. Somehow I missed out on the whole code memo on fbook, but that totally suces! Espec to be off by only 2, I'm sure you'll get it next time! How're you swinging tix to see Obamarama? I know someone who is going, but she is the head of our Intl section at my school and got invited. Glad to hear the subbing is going well for the most part! Biz, Leah

Megan a dit…

sorry you didn't pass.. what a bummer. My husband just re-took the written test, but failed the motorcycle driving test. They are too strict in my opinion, especially about things that have nothing to do with safe driving, like how much carbon dioxide is emitted by a car, stuff like that.