dimanche, mai 15, 2011

blogging twice in one day!

But I can't help it - look at what Mystery Guest put up today!!!! Happy Dance!!!

We found these fans on sale at Brico Depot for 20euros each - I thought well a light fixture is going to be that price anyway and this way we have a multiple light fixture AND a fan!!! It is up in our bedroom and works like a charm! We bought a second one that we might put in the main room downstairs but for once Brico Depot has a great quality product. Very impressed.

Also very impressed by my own Mr. Bricolage :)

3 commentaires:

Ksam a dit…

Woot! Go MG! :)

Mystery Guest a dit…


Ozma a dit…

I'm new to the blog, but I don't understand who Mystery Guest is...