vendredi, juin 10, 2011

country life

Another quirk living in the country -  the bakery truck! Think the milkman but for bread! In some areas there is a bakery truck that stops by every day or multiple times a week. Ours comes on Tuesday and Friday afternoons around 3 or 4pm. I've never bought bread from the truck, although I have bought it from the bakery it comes from.

I didn't buy any today either because a few weeks ago we bought a bread machine so I've been playing around baking my own bread. I know it's another "kitchen gadet" but we've been buying more and more whole grain, spelt and other "fancy" breads which can cost a good 2 or 3 euros for the small loaves (300grams or so). With the bread machine I can make a 750g spelt bread for 1.15 euros and they've been turning out pretty good! Plus, I mean come on, how good is it to set the timer and wake up to fresh bread?

I make the dough in the bread machine, it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes but does all the kneading and rising for you. Then as the last few minutes are ticking down I turn on the oven to get it nice and hot and pull out the dough. I shape the dough and then let it sit for 5 minutes or so while the oven is finishing preheating then stick the bread in. It takes about 20 minutes or so to cook and voila! Fresh bread! I guess it is time consuming but because you're not having to sit over it or anything you can start the machine and then go do something else.

I'm curious to try Ksam's monkey bread one of these days... oh and there's a "jam" function on it too...

8 commentaires:

BlondeInFrance a dit…

I think I saw an egg truck in the bf's tiny town this morning. I still ice cream trucks are way better, but I guess it's not as nutritious :-p

MilkJam a dit…

ummmm iiiiice cream trucks....

Random side note, when we were living in V-town and the circus was coming to town a little promotional minivan would drive around blaring music over the loudspeakers - it sounded just like the ice cream man and it would make my heart skip a little beat and then sink when I realized no, just crazy circus people.

side note over. :)

Amber a dit…

We have a bread truck that honks every morning at 9:30, and I live in the heart of a big-ish city! I've never bought bread or breakfast buns from him but I should try it some time.

On the topic of circus trucks, there was one playing ice cream music just last week. When I turned to look at it, it was full of llamas. That must be a fun job.

Ksam a dit…

Monkey bread!! :)

MilkJam a dit…

So.... Ksam.. that was actually a little hint hint, nudge nudge for you to give me your recipe!!! :)

Anonyme a dit…

Looks delicious. We don't have a bread truck because our little villages all have boulangeries.
I gave up bread 3 months ago, but I can't really say for what reason.
Good luck on the monkey bread.
PS. An appropriate word verification: DENTS

Megan a dit…

I love my bread machine!
So, do you just have to keep a lookout for the truck, or can you hang a little flag on your door or something so that he knows to stop?

MilkJam a dit…

Megan - I don't think so. I've never bought from them. I think you just need to watch for it and make a run! lol